If you have a program that calls for a DirectX 9 file in Windows 10 or Windows 8, installing the downloadable version (the process above) is the way to solve that problem-it will not 'downgrade' your DirectX 10/11/12 install! The library assumes it is building for Windows 10 (aka _WIN32_WINNT=0x0A00) so it makes use of XAudio 2.9 and WIC2 as well as DirectX 12.
There are no expected DirectX 12 drivers for any lower feature level devices. DirectX Tool Kit for DirectX 11 supports Feature Level 9.x, while DirectX 12 requires Direct3D Feature Level 11.0.Any idea how I cann istall DirectX and the other required software on Windows 10? As MediaPortal 2.0 works perfect with Windows 10 I downloaded 2.0 however already failed when trying to install DirectX 9.0c on Windows 10.